Program Availability
The School Psychology EdS is a hybrid, on-campus program offered on the Indiana State University campus in Terre Haute, Indiana. The program is open to U.S. and international applicants who satisfy admission requirements.
Why Earn a School Psychology EdS at Indiana State?
Our School Psychology EdS program began in 1968 and enjoys the rich history of being one of the first such programs in the state of Indiana. The program is accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Our graduates are prepared for school-based practice as successful, licensed school psychologists.
See Program Annual Report and Student Outcomes Data
Prepare for Success
Indiana State’s Educational Specialist (EdS) degree in School Psychology offers you a student-centered, comprehensive education. In addition to your coursework, you will gain extensive experience through fieldwork experiences beginning in the first semester of study.
This blending of academics and fieldwork ensures you will gain the theory, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills needed for success as a licensed school psychologist.
This 63-credit-hour program may be completed on a full-time (3-year) or part-time (4-year) basis.
Note: The EdS degree is regarded as an advanced practitioner’s degree and, as such, is a continuation of work completed in pursuit of a master’s degree. Students admitted to this program will earn the master of education (MEd) in School Psychology en route to completion of the EdS degree. Students who have already earned a master’s degree in a related field may be offered the opportunity to pursue the EdS degree without also earning the MEd in School Psychology.
Benefit from Rich and Diverse Fieldwork Experiences
Field experiences are critical learning opportunities that provide the foundation needed to become a successful school psychologist.
Our program’s practicum and internship experiences are sequential and graded in complexity, beginning with closely supervised practice in basic skill areas and gradually progressing to greater independence and a broader diversity and complexity of skill application. All practica are completed under the direction of university-designated supervisors and course instructors.
After the completion of coursework, you will complete a full-time internship of 1,200 hours (one academic year), with a minimum of 600 hours in a school setting. This requirement is consistent with Indiana guidelines for licensure and National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) guidelines for internship training.
Important Licensure Information
Indiana School Psychologist Certification: The School Psychology EdS program meets the educational requirements for licensure as a school psychologist in Indiana. Students are eligible to apply for their school psychologist certification through the Indiana Department of Education following the successful completion of all program requirements, including the internship and the internship portfolio.
Out-of-State School Psychologist Certification: Although the program does not actively monitor educational requirements for licensure in other states, faculty do actively work with students to identify and meet requirements for licensure in other states, according to students’ identified licensure goals. Students completing the EdS program would meet educational requirements for licensure as a school psychologist in states that recognize NASP-approved programs as an acceptable educational experience.
Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP): Students are eligible to apply for their NCSP, granted by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), once the EdS degree has been posted on the official transcript.
Learn from Our Excellent Faculty
As a student in our School Psychology program, you will benefit from faculty who are exceptional practitioners and applied researchers with diverse professional backgrounds and interests. Their commitment to excellence is evident throughout their teaching, service, and research activities. Their work often emphasizes collaboration with students and community engagement. Our support staff excels at promoting the mission of the department and working closely with students and faculty. Most importantly, our graduate students are bright, dedicated, and emergent practitioners and scholars in their own right. Their work greatly enriches our department, university, and surrounding communities.
Professional Engagement Opportunities
As a graduate student in the School Psychology program, you will have opportunities to become a student affiliate or member of a variety of professional organizations, including the ISU chapter of Student Affiliates in School Psychology (SASP), the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), and the Indiana Association of School Psychologists. In addition, you will have opportunities to attend and participate in state and national professional conferences.
Assistantships and Financial Aid
Graduate Assistantships (GAs) are offered on a competitive basis. GAs allow graduate students the opportunity to work on campus for up to 20 hours a week. GAs come with a stipend and partial tuition waiver. In addition, travel and research awards are offered on a competitive basis for graduate student travel to conferences, particularly to support students with accepted conference presentations.
Graduate students may also be eligible for loans and grants. For information, visit the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid.
What You’ll Learn in the School Psychology EdS Program
The objectives of the School Psychology program are to produce school psychologists who demonstrate the following:
- Knowledge and skills concerning fundamentals of measurement and assessment, and the use of assessment measures in a non-biased, reliable, and valid manner.
- Knowledge and skills concerning the principles and strategies used to guide the design and implementation of effective interventions for children and adolescents.
- The ability to consult and collaborate with educators, school administrators, family members, and other professionals.
- Knowledge and skills pertaining to the measurement of program and intervention effectiveness; identification and application of empirically based principles; and effective communication of research findings.
Skills required for sound judgment and decision-making, including adherence to legal, ethical, and professional standards.
Sensitivity and responsiveness to cultural, contextual, and individual differences, and a commitment to advocate for equity and social justice.

Transfer Credit
Indiana State University accepts credit from regionally accredited colleges and universities within the United States, and from selected schools located outside the United States. Credit also may be granted for military training and experience. Previously earned college credit can be applied toward completion of the program per Indiana State's transfer guidelines.
Transfer GuidelinesCareer Possibilities for School Psychology Graduates
Demand for school psychologists is exceptionally strong and on the rise. School psychology has consistently been rated among the 100 Best Jobs in U.S. News & World Report. ( There is a particular need for professionals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
The majority of school psychologists work in K–12 public schools. They also provide services in a variety of other settings, including:
- Private and charter schools
- Preschools and other early childhood settings
- School district administration offices
- Colleges and universities
- School-based health and mental health centers
- Community-based day treatment or residential clinics and hospitals
- Juvenile justice programs
- Independent private practice

Porter School Psychology Center
As a graduate student in our School Psychology program, you may benefit from opportunities to work with clients in the Porter School Psychology Center, a training clinic for school psychology graduate students located on the Indiana State University campus.
Learn more about the Porter School Psychology Center.The School Psychology EdS program is accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).
Admission Requirements and Instructions
Applications are accepted for Summer or Fall admission. Full consideration is given to applications completed by the end of the first full week in January. Rolling admissions are available for applications completed through May 1, as space allows.
Admission is based on the following requirements.
Admission Requirements and Information
Applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree (in any major) from a regionally accredited institution (for international students, a degree granted by a recognized institution).
Applicants must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale in the applicant’s major field of study. Applicants with an undergraduate GPA between 2.7 and 3.0 may be provisionally admitted based on the strength of other submitted application materials.
The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is not required for this program.
Application should include a current curriculum vitae/resume and a 2–3-page written statement describing why the applicant believes they are a strong candidate for admission and how they believe the program aligns with their professional interests and goals.
Application should include contact information (name, phone number, and email address) for two references who know the applicant in an academic and/or professional capacity. Important: Explain to your references that they will receive an email from Indiana State University requesting that they submit a letter of recommendation. Please ensure that your references expect to receive this request. It will be sent to your references immediately upon completing the application.
Applicants will be invited to an individual admissions interview based on their application materials.
The following are application instructions and deadlines for the School Psychology EdS program.
Application Instructions
Complete Indiana State University’s online application for admission at
Submit official transcripts from all colleges previously attended. To be official, transcripts must be sent directly from the college attended to: Graduate Admissions, Indiana State University, Welcome Center, 318 North Sixth Street, Terre Haute, IN, 47809. E-transcripts should be sent to
Submit a nonrefundable application fee of $45.00 (U.S. citizens and permanent residents) or $65.00 (international students) payable by Visa, MasterCard, or check or money order payable to Indiana State University. Submit payment to: Indiana State University, Graduate Admissions, Welcome Center, 318 North Sixth Street, Terre Haute, IN, 47809.
Submit the following as part of the online application process.
- A current resume or curriculum vitae.
- A 2-3-page written statement personal statement describing why the applicant believes they are a strong candidate for admission and how they believe the program aligns with their professional interests and goals.
- Contact information (name, phone number, and email address) for two references who know the applicant in an academic and/or professional capacity. Important: Explain to your references that they will receive an email from Indiana State University requesting that they submit a letter of recommendation. Please ensure that your references expect to receive this request. It will be sent to your references immediately upon completing the application.
- International applicants submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or provide equivalent evidence of language proficiency. Submit scores to: Indiana State University, Graduate Admissions, Welcome Center, 318 North Sixth Street, Terre Haute, IN, 47809. For important information, see Instructions for International Students.
Select applicants will be invited for an individual admissions interview. Once admitted, students receive notification from the University as well as their University ID number needed to activate their University Username on the MyISU Portal. The Portal offers access to online registration, University records, and other important University services, including e-mail and University announcements.
Note: Returning ISU students must apply for re-admission if they have not attended Indiana State University for more than two calendar years.